Here's a preview of a bag I have been working on in Rowan Kid Classic.
I have enjoyed knitting it, especially as it's a great stash buster. I can assure you that knitting a whole 140m ball of the pink colour over 12 stitches for the strap was not much fun, but at least it was made better by using my Lantern Moon needles given to me by my very generous Rowanette Home and Hearth donor, Sarah . They are lovely to knit with and I have included them here for scale.
The bag is now safely out of the machine and is awaiting a bit of finishing before I can show you on here.
I'll give you all the specs next time. x K
I love this bag! You left a comment on my blog recently about being a fan o knitted bags, I can see you are!
I've been to Glasgow once almost 10 years ago. i was there visiting with my now husband and it was on that trip that we decided to get married, so I have very fond memories.
I am liking very MUCH! - bag looks fine, and in Kid Classic!
And thank you for the fingerless mittens that I purchased from Catherines stall on Saturday - they fit perfectly.
Can't wait to see it post felt - btw, am v. jealous as Elaine mentioned you brought in your Orkney angora shawl last Tuesday meetup. I contented myself with admiring Catherines!
Hi Kathleen - what a wonderful job you have made of that bag! Looking forward to seeing it 'in the knit'so to speak. Aren't you clever.
I drooled over the fantastic shawl you knitted as well - another masterpiece!
I've just got myself a blog too - for the first time ever! http://allsortso-stitchin.blogspot.com/
Haven't been along to the group I'm afraid - just managed the once so far - shame on me!
I'm still scarf and shawl knitting - should I open a shop - lol!
Hope to see you sometime soon.
Maggie (wakymaggie that is)
What a wonderful bag. I love the colors. Your needles beside the bag are so nice. We don`t have needles like this one in germany.
Lovely bag and colours. Good stash buster. Hope the felting went ok - when I tried to felt kid classic it took a couple of goes in the machine to get it how I wanted it. Still it worked out ok in the end.
Lovely Kathleen . The colours work beautifully together - and I didn't realise Kid Classic would felt !
I really love this bag, it's beautiful - the colors go so well together! Looking forward to seeing it felted and finished! Great job!
The bag's looking lovely. The colours work really well together and I'm looking forward to seeing it again after felting. The needles look very special! :-)
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