They come complete with marking threads and loose strands and everything.
I'm really enjoying making this and am pleased with the lovely fabric and stitch definition I'm getting from this beautiful simple yarn.
I've noticed that lots of the Hap shawls I've seen have a bright or dark section of colour scallops then in the middle there's a neutral or light sect

I'm well over half-way in terms of finished size, but I'm only at about 30/35% completion of the actual knit

Sorry to show you it against such a "busy" carpet, but there was no way on earth I could have gone out into the daylight to take the photos. I'd have been chasing my shawl-to-be

Recently I've been making plenty of things from self-striping and space-dyed yarns, so the contrast of this simple yarn with such a lovely handle is a really pleasant change.
More progress shots next week?
Happy knitting, x K
Its looking good! Am preparing myself to start a shawl soon too , going in where Angels fear to tread , the Icarus shawl!
I (naturally) had your lovely scarf with me when I went to my Swiss spinning/knitting meeting last Friday. Being amongst knitters, the inside was given as much attention as the outside ;0) And the verdict on your colourwork? Perfect! Of course!
It progressing nicely! Love seeing blue and green next to each other!
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