Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cardonald Cottage?

Hee hee, I did my course at Cardonald COLLEGE, not Cardonald Cottage as my previous post claims!

I kind of like the sound of that- sounds like some historically important location or something.

Thanks for all the lovely comments about my skirt.

Glad you approve of the new sewing machine too, yes girls, go and dust yours off, let's have some sewing fun this summer. x K
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Twelfthknit said...

I pefer Cardonald Cottage...

Flavaknits said...

Perhaps I should go on a course at Cardonald Cottage! Not the best at sewing - but practice etc...
What a lovely photo of the flower, very summery. Thanks for the comment on the dress - it makes you feel summery just putting it on!

Amelia said...

My sewing machine is hiding under some blankets whilst the building work in the Knitting Retreat is finished... But as soon as it is, I promise to dust it off and get sewing. x