Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much for the lovely comments about Fern. In particular the colour seems to be big hit! It was nice to have a chance to model it myself rather than ask my regular holly bush to stand in. You get a much better idea of the shape of it that way, and those nice compliments about the colour suiting me were an added bonus. Having a wee get together tomorrow, so may wear her then.

Now if you like this book , you'll LOVE this website . It's a site featuring lovely pictures, advice, cautionary tales, FO, contentedness and general wall to wall knitalong scarfiness. Factor in a few hours to look at this, I had a bit of a lost evening after I came back from Stitch and Bitch at Mono last night, just getting carried away browsing.

An art student called Estelle was "documenting" our knit and chat last night for her research and a forthcoming assignment. Glad to be someone's muse :-)
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