Saturday, May 06, 2006

Not always this tidy, unfortunately.

Chest of drawers
I've come up with another use for Ivy Bigelow's Midwest Moonlight pattern from Scarf Style.
I started making it in Debbie Bliss Cotton Cashmere and soon began to realise that the yarn and pattern were not exactly in perfect harmony - the cotton blend yarn was too crisp and lacking in drape for a scarf. (See what happens when you don't swatch....)
I knew I was beat but rather than rip it out I thought maybe it would be more suitable as a mat, so I persevered for a few more repeats and ended up with a rather fetching household linen. I'm sure I'll try the pattern again in the near future in a more appropriate yarn for a scarf.
Incidentally, this is the exact yarn Mrs. Twelfthknit @ Midsummer Night's Knitter ( see sidebar) is using for her top down summer top, if you pardon all the tops. Wonder if we have both been shopping at k1yarns!? (sidebar again)
If you are a regular reader of the Scarf Style knitalong blog you will already have seen this post, almost verbatim. I hear it's good to recycle! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hi from Austria! What a perfect use you found for the scarf - it looks just great as a mat, such a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea. Reduce, re-use, recycle! It's a very pretty stitch pattern, isn't it?